Monday, March 12, 2007

17 mile drive of monterey and salinas

We continued driving through monterey's cannery row and on to the scenic 17 mile drive through Pebble Beach and Spyglass golf courses. we took in some great views of the ocean, and hit Castroville on the way home for the Werckle-recommended "Central Texas Barbeque", which was a special treat. Here's some pics!
A view of the beach... There were surfers, joggers, and photographers out today. I nice man named Juan let us use the rest room at a private dining/party hall on the beach, which made the rest of the trip much better.Here's the "lone cypress" tree that is used as the logo for Pebble Beach Golf Course. pretty neat view..
This copcar went baywatch on the salinas beach. Somone apparently needed medical attention down the way... I hope they're ok, but I could definitely hear the baywatch theme song as this guy drove by.


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