Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Back to UCLA and a fun wiikend!

The company has asked for help in recruiting from UCLA a couple thursdays ago, and I jumped at the chance to seem some old friends in So-Cal and talk about my experience at Abbott Vascular. My knees got weak when I walked through the 5th floor of UCLA's boelter hall, where most of my grad classes happened. I got to see my old friend Patrick and of course Andrew, who is still completing his PhD down there. It was a lot of fun to be on the other side of things as a recruiter, but a little strange at the same time. It's hard to believe I've been working at this company for a year... Something registered when I was watching the superbowl this year too.. I watched last years superbowl in Paris on my "last hurrah" trip before starting work.

Anyhow... I believe that fun is still to be had, and on this trip to UCLA, I decided to stay the whole weekend with Mike and Jessica. Mike and I can be a dangerous combination when it comes to impulse purchases, and it just takes one of us to pour gasoline on the other's tiny flame until we both leave best buy with Nintendo Wii's. We were very lucky to find some randomly on the friday I visited and my luggage was a bit heavier on the way home. The wii is totally awesome... here's Mike and Jessica boxing. It is exhausting!

Andrew (who is a karaoke superstar) led the way to a blast of a time in K-town with Soju and Karaoke, and I had the best sushi of my life on friday night with Werckle and the rest of the gang. (I think the place was called hakato?) Fun times... I am going to have to try to setup a UCLA reunion one of these days.


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