Sunday, June 08, 2008

The train from Ollanta to Aguas Calientes (town of machu picchu)

Coca beer at the train station, brewed by none other than APU!
The train map. We took our train on the last leg, from Ollanta to Machu Picchu.
There are 2 trains that run on the tracks, the Vistadome (which has the ceiling windows shown below), and the Backpacker, which has only the simpler side windows. We took one each way, and found the seats better in the backpacker and the views better in the vistadome. There is another premium train called the Hiram Bingham express, named after the explorer who discovered Macchu Pichu. It serves gourmet meals and wine along the way for hundreds of dollars more. :)

Here's a view from the train of the Urubamba river, a tributarie of the Amazon that runs down to Machu Picchu.


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