Sunday, June 08, 2008


We took an hour and a half cab ride from cusco through the sacred valley, and ended up safely arriving at the village of Ollantaytambo. (Ollanta for short) We stopped for some coffee at this restaurant which was right by some ruins. We hiked around for a bit, mistakenly entering the ruins through the exit... luckily, this meant we avoided paying entrance fees. I did pay 1 sol to use a bathroom in there... thank god I brought a roll of toilet paper with me, as they were all out.

In a corner of the restaurant's courtyard, we found a little guinea pig farm house. They were cute and came out to see me when I walked closer. On the ledge, I saw a little knife and picked it up... moments later the guinea pigs squealed an ran back into the house. This was a "cuy" farm, which are the guinea pigs used for eating. Not surprisingly, they are used in small plates, like tapas ... we didn't have the heart to eat any though. :)


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