Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The fun continues... this morning (finally caught up!) I took the early train to work to pack a workout in. This way, I can leave immediately from my apartment, workout at the gym at work, and then shower before walking to my desk.

I've been parking at the caltrain station around 6:15AM, catching the train which gets me to work around 7:20AM, and running and showering until 8:30ish. It's actually worked out well, because I can sleep on the train, and fit a workout in before I even start working.

Well, apparently, the 3rd time's the charm. I got a call around 7AM when I was just about to get to work. Bethany and Brenna from work just saw my car on their way to the later train. Only, with a smashed passenger window and no stereo. Luckily, Bethany grabbed my registration and anything else of real value. I took the train up and today has been one of dealing with insurance, the police, and taking pictures.


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