Wednesday, November 15, 2006

More old man house problems and disasters continue... My first monday morning was a fun one in the bathroom. Unfortunately, when they re-painted the door, they took the handle hardware off. I took my morning shower and closed the door to let the water steam up the room, brushed my teeth and shaved... all was great, until... I tried to open the bathroom door!

The knob kept turning, and I realized that the screw in the handle (which locks the handle to the squarish post that goes through the door and to the other handle) was missing! I was just turning the thing on the threads until it rubbed against the housing and got stuck. Luckily, I had my cell phone and 1 bar of battery left. I had been using it as a clock so I would make the train on time (in theory). boy was I wrong!

My phone died immediately when I tried calling the apartment manager for help, and the next couple hours were filled with frantic shaking my battery and dispatching text messages to Mike, Sheila, and Bethany who was almost at the train station. I was never sure if the messages made it, but I'd be able to turn on my phone and see replies every now and then. Ahh.. people knew I was stuck. This was good. Also, on the bright side... if I had to use the bathroom, it was right here. I had plenty of fresh air and drinking water access. Really, the bathroom is the premium place to get stranded!

Mike (in LA) got the SFPD on their way, Sheila (in MI) got in touch with the building owner, and Bethany made it here and talked to everyone. I met fran, another tennant upstairs, who asked if I was hurt and eventually if I wanted her to drop a sandwich down! (I wanted a screwdriver!) fran was no help at all (except emotionally).. With no luck, I got desperate and tried clogging up the threads with some macgyver skills. That is... putting toothpaste on the threads and blow drying them to get them crusty. Hopefully, this would get the handle to catch early on the threads and continued turning would open the door. I would be a escape artist hero, and be able to capitalize the E in engineer on my business card! hah!

This did not work at all, as the knob threads just tore through the toothpaste crust like a T-rex through a 20 pack of chicken nuggets. (I assume, if timing allowed) Finally, one of the police officers suggested I try a toothbrush, as it might be square enough to fit in the door hole. So... I, having already brushed my teeth, proceeded to shove a toothbrush in the hole and gave it a good kick to advance it deeper into the door hardware.

I then tried to turn... .. .. I saw the gum massagers rubbing gently on the sprocket, but the door"s sliding wedge barely moved. I kept trying, and when it finally started to move, I grabbed the towel bar (screwed to the door) and pulled really hard. I realized this didn"t work when I found myself sitting on the toilet with a towel rod in my hand. doh! A little disheartened, I continued to try working the toothbrush around while pulling the fringe of the door bottom with the tips of my fingers... I hoped that dilligence would pay off here, and I just remembered I had the chain lock on my door, so even if the owner arrived, they would have trouble getting in. I kept turning and turning, until .... the thing actually opened! I was free! and thanked the police for showing up, and bought bethany a coffee for helping me out and coming back for me.

We had missed the train, and I probably told the story 8 times at work... (so far)
I now keep a screwdriver and the "special" toothbrush in there at all times just in case.


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