Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Finally, I found the perfect studio apartment in the perfect area and with parking in SF! yay! well... kinda. There's been a laundry list of upgrades needed as the previous tenants were here for 27 years! As it turns out, it was a man, his wife, and their 16 year old daughter who grew up here... in a STUDIO! this is madness, but ... rent controlled madness! Anyhow, these jerk-offs must have gotten sick of cleaning the tub, and eventually painted over it with white paint! here's a pic of the tub, which I have since scraped with a razor blade to fix. It was probably about 20% covered with paint when I arrived, which my apartment management deemed as "up to san francisco standards" ... the fact is, they knew it took me 2 months to find an apartment in my price bracket, so they weren't gonna budge. It's in much better shape now, and I'm going to try to get some back rent with some before/after photos... we'll see how that goes...


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