Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It's been quite a while since I've blogged anything... so here's a big shot of ketchup! Just before getting ready to move from Mountain View to SF, I had a 24 hour pH study done to see if I was experiencing acid reflux. Here's a picture of the situation. a catheter goes down your nose and records pH values above the Lower Esophageal Sphyncter (LES, the thing that keeps stomach acid from coming up) and values just below the LES. Based on the readings from the 1970s IPOD looking thing, they can tell over a 24 hour period if you have reflux. As it turned out, I tested normal... however, I'm still having a pretty chronic sore throat, and the jury is still out. Anyhow, they found nothing serious so I'm at least happy about that.


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