Thursday, July 14, 2005

Greg Behrendt!

After exploring a while, I found a comedy club just a few blocks north of my apartment... To my surprise, the sign showed that Greg Behrendt was going to be playing on thursday... I bought a ticket pretty immediately, and finally went to the show tonight. Once I got to the club, I got lost finding the bathroom and actually ran into Greg Behrendt by the front door! I shook his hand and we talked for a while... I told him I was from MI, and going to school in LA, and he mentioned some things about north california, where he was raised... I told him I was excited to see his show and that I loved his "uncool CD"... I found my seat, and enjoyed a show with a guy named david, his wife, and his mother... (we shared a table)... we talked a while and David, being from chicago, said he could recommend the best pizzas in town... After talking for a while, he gave me his phone # and told me to call him or his wife for any questions I had about what's best to do in the city... I can't imagine anyone doing that in LA... maybe our neighborhood tho!


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