Sunday, June 12, 2005

Hee Seop Choi!

We attended our first dodger game this past friday and got to see the dodgers and minnesota twins square off. Our entire section was chanting Hee Seop Choi! Hee Seop Choi! (he is the dodger first baseman) He may have the best name in all of baseball for chanting, so we decided to cheer his name for every event in the game... Tied 5-5 going into the bottom of the 9th, our cheers payed off, and Hee Seop Choi smacked a homerun off the right field foul pole. The dodger bench rushed the field and all the fans went crazy! Everyone was still chanting Hee Seop Choi! in the parking lot, and in traffic on the way out... We had a blast, the home team won, and we got to enjoy a couple dogs, beers, and some heavenly garlic fries. Oh yes.


Blogger mike said...

The bastard is 6-5 and 240lbs!

7:27 PM  

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