Saturday, May 07, 2005

Grabbing dinner at Hukilau Hawaiian restaurant in SF, Mark and I were lucky enough to run into the world-famous sumo wrestler... Musashimaru! He was promoting a fight in Vegas and is incredibly huge! I think he ate 5 dinners or something before we got there.. honestly!.. Anyhow, I have never felt so small next to anyone, but asked him if he'd take us both on in an arm-wrestling match... His response was "do you want to keep your arm?" ... to which I replied... "uhhh.. BOTH of us want to challenge you!"... His response was "does HE want to keep his arm?" (pointing to mark)... everyone laughed for a moment, but it I think we were all wondering if he was serious, and if he'd broken any arms before. We hit up a hip-hop club in Haight-Ashbury later that night called "Milk" with a lot of Mark's friends and had a fun time dancing.. We made it back late sunday to LA to get back to school, and homework, and all that boring stuff..


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