Sunday, June 08, 2008

What I remember!

Thinking of Lima, I'll remember a few things about Miraflores and Barranco:
- the craaazy driving in the streets, the smell of car fumes.
- kids doing handstands and acrobatics at the intersections to pan handle money
- our driver Manuel, who showed up whenever we needed a ride.
- our trip's war cry, "menos fuerte"!
- Ricardo, "el rey de lima" ... with his womanizing ways... ha! he had an extra bathing suit? who is this guy? How many girls has he taken paragliding?
- Jose and our trip to Las Brujas Cachiche, where we met those pilots from outside toronto... They actually said Taca was a good airline, and that prices were going to rise soon.
- One week after talking to the pilots, we grabbed a newspaper and saw a picture of the Taca crash in Tegucigalpa, Honduras...
- mediocre food overall in Lima, until we found Ceviche at Punto Azul. which singlehandedly changed our minds.
- Tasty Ostrich and Aji Amarillo at Cuarto y Mitad.
- Looowra, the british gal at Kusillo's who came out with us to Mango's
- The couple from Vancouver who also came out to Mango's with us.
- The brits who said Prem-eeee-year league.
- Gotica and Aura, the two clubs near the beach
- Bar Tosca, Tequila Rocks, and Bier Haus
- The 100 lb tough guy bouncer at bier haus.
- 10 bars/clubs in a row that played salsa music in Barranco and on Pizza Street, where we were approached by women "for hire".
- Pisco Sours and Maracuya Sours ... both delicious and dangerous. ;)
- Photos on display in the central park from all over the world. (JFK / Parque Central)
- Cerro San Cristobol and it's foggy views of Lima's city center
- Inca Cola
- Terrible haircuts

Thinking of Puno, I'll remember a few things about the town and lake titicaca:
- more gas fumes and poverty on the way to Puno from Juliaca Airport
- a beautiful plaza de armas, which we could see easily from our balcony at conde de lemos.
- excellent Trucha (trout) dishes at the local restaurants
- Coca Mate tea
- Tuc Tucs everywhere
- Leaving a caltrain ticket at Positive Raeggae
- The island of Uros, and our tour of lake titicaca
- Alex vomiting on the plane in a tiny bag, and me holding it in as best as I could.

Thinking of Cusco, I'll remember:
- Our theme song, donde estan? donde estan? corazon!
- New meaning to the words "double dutch"
- Inca brotherhood, inca dancing, and inca protection
- Fallen Angel for great food, new friends, and awesome decor
- The ultimate dance move : "Tie Hard" ... for those with hoodies
- Alex's experience with ropa interior!
- Attempting to learn salsa
- Mama Africa, Mama America (closed), Mythology, and uptown.
- Shady meetings with Eddie, our Cusco friend.
- 24 hours in bed (and the bathroom) ... man was I sick
- Amit's postcard.

When I think of Machu Picchu, I'll remember:
- The worst pizza ever in Aguas Calientes
- Extremely slow food service
- Horrible chicken curry... what were we thinking ordering it?
- "happy hour" uttered at us every ten steps.
- Our morning trip to the ruins
- Playing the longest game of pool ever with some german travelers we met at a machu picchu bar.
- The vistadome and backpacker train rides.

When I think of the Sacred Valley / Ollantaytambo, I'll remember:
- getting screwed on the cab ride to Ollantaytambo, paying 3 times what we should have
- great coffee and relaxation in a restaurant's courtyard
- The "cuy" farm (guinea pigs)
- considering tuc tuc rental for about 100 feet of travel
- Coca beer
- buying Alpaca sueteres, and chakana charms.

It was a great adventure for the 3 of us, and some of the most fun I've had on a vacation with friends. I really can't imagine things being any better than how they turned out on this trip. (aside from losing a day to sickness) If I could do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing!


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