Saturday, June 07, 2008

Las Brujas Cachiche

On saturday night, we met up with Tim's friend from Schlumberger, Jose. Jose was really cool and was nice enough to take us out saturday night to a pretty high class bar / restaurant called Las Brujas Cachiche. (The Cachiche Witches) It was a converted alpine mansion with 4 floors and was a cool chance to see Limenyos dressed up and out.

We had a delicious peruvian coctail, the Maracuya Sour, here and the bartender was nice enough to show us the actual fruit. It was tasty, but a bit tart. Apparently, if the drink is made correctly, it only takes 2 to finish your night. :) We also had Pisco Sours, but I prefered the Maracuyas.

Here's Jose diving into a Maracuya..


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