Saturday, June 07, 2008


Landing in Lima, the airport is about 40 minutes away from Miraflores, the neighborhood where we stayed. Kusillo's Hostel on Larco Street (the main drag which connects the central park to the ocean) was where we camped out, which was intersestingly decorated and provided a rooftop view of Lima. On the roof, they also had a ping pong table, some couches, and a stereo playing reggaeton pretty constantly. It was a fun place to meet people traveling through from all over the world, and a good place to plan our nights out in Lima. The staff at Kusillo's was great, Manuel, our airport pickup guy... Jaime, the front desk guy, and Ricaaaardo, the entertaining hippie owner. (seemed a bit of an international womanizer too) Here's a pic of the matrimonial suite alex and I rented. (cost ~$20 / night)
Luckily, the bathroom was nice and we had hot water pretty constantly for the few days we spent at Kusillos.


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