Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ceviche at Punto Azul in Miraflores

Our driver from Kusillos recommended a nearby cevicheria called Punto Azul, and after our travels through peru we were finally ready to take a gamble on eating some interestingly prepared fish.

One bite in and we knew.. Finally... we found Lima's incredible food that everyone had talked about.

We had heard that Ceviche was the ultimate thing to eat in Lima, and that the freshest fish tastes best as an early hangover cure. The best way to describe the ceviche was like a spicy lemon juiced sushi, and it was so delicious that Amit and I ate it 2 days in a row at the same place. (we tried a few variations)

Above is the standard Ceviche de Pescado (fish ceviche)
It's served with an interesting tasting sweet potato, and with mutant sized corn, which seemed to be in a lot of Peruvian dishes.

We also tried a Ceviche de Mariscos con Crema (creamy seafood / shellfish and fish ceviche) We didn't care for this as much, but the sauce was colorful and interesting.


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