Sunday, June 08, 2008

Dinner at the Fallen Angel

My guidebook recommended checking out this place, called Fallen Angel in a corner of Cusco. The restaurant was wildly decorated and felt like it was right out of san francisco's hippest district, though it was positioned next to an old cathedral and museum of pre-colombian art. This was high class dining by Cusco standards (~$15 / person with drinks!) and we all enjoyed creatively prepared steaks and chicken on glass table tops. We were impressed to see fish swimming underneath most of the tabletops, as the tables were actually stylish aquariums!

The food was great, and we made some friends at the table next to us. The two girls on the right, Sonner and Wendy, were from holland, volunteering to teach english to students in Cusco. Their mastery of spanish was great and they were very friendly. They had some good advice on where to go for good dancing and music in Cusco, and we met up with them later at Mama Africa. (a club in Cusco)


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