Tuesday, March 14, 2006

When I think of Amsterdam, I remember:

Amersterdam highlights include:

* Reel big fish @ teh Max adn their 8 year old set that the 16 year old kids were digging on

* The Moulon Rouge fiasco with the doorman we ran from. (briskly walked that is)

* Gina & the banana dance

* "It was the littlest pizza they ever did see"

* The beauty of the canals at night with street lamp reflections

* Sinus issues at the St Christopher Hostel at the Winston

* Anne Franke's House *cough*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chaddy!!!! Well I came across this blog because I'm bored at work and I'm googling people's name. This blog rocks!
I don't even know if you still check this or what, but you should keep it up. In fact, I might start a blog now. You are my inspiration! You're niece is gorgeous, by the way.
And oh yeah, how can anyone forget that infamous banana dance?

1:34 PM  

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