Tuesday, March 14, 2006

When I look back at Paris, I think of:

Out of my travel journal, I'd like to spew forth the things I'll remember most about Paris:

* ElShan & Simo trying to get into nightclubs on Chmps de Elysee and "Nightmaring" thru the city together until the train started up again at 6AM.

* Our friend "The bum of Nation" metro stop who lipped a cig butt off the ground and mimed something like football for a few euro from us. He also got us started singing a beatles song.

* Losing 3 hats in 10 days! the last one on the bus from Beauvais airport!

* Running with drunken OJ girls to the metro stop and making the RER train just in time

* The Miracle "Last Train" metro debacle

* Kevin from Ohio... who we _did not_ meet at the eiffel tower the next day. chalk that one up to empty drunken promises

* Duck Confit & Steak Tar Tar at Le Trappiste, our favorite restaurant

* Crepes.... the first one especially

* The Louvre's Denon Wing

* 6 million skulls and femurs in the Catacombs

* Denis puking out our cab window, and the cabbie cleaning it up with windex. It was a miracle we made it home!

* Cafe Creme and old madonna music everywhere... the mysterious 5 year ago shift in popular music

* Beautiful girls everywhere (chestnuts) wearing jeans with hooker boots. I instantly thought less of the flophouse girls in LA who wear rags and sweatpants with their giant stupid glasses and fuzzy boots. What a contrast! Are girls in the states just that flophouse?

* Pink metro bunny warnings... and the jackass episode we got to see that mocks it!

* Hamburgers with fried egg on top and no bun

* Marais & Bastille, and the pompidu museum

* Simo, Elshan, Osgur, Denis, Vankar, and Team! (Tim) out on the town all together..

* Everyone smoking, everywhere, all the time... such is europe!


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