Sunday, May 22, 2005

Eliza's Graduation Party!

Eliza has just finished law school at Pepperdine and was ready for some well-deserved partying on friday. (with her Tiara!) We met up with her party at the stage brush cantina in Calabasas for a really fun friday night. A remarkable AC/DC band called Bonfire was there and they played FOREVER. (I think it was "bonfire", right?) Anyhow, here's a Mike, Manya, and Eliza mish-mash... Mike's head looks like it could fit 40 beers from this angle. (see the bottle to the left of his cheek!) oh yes... Of course, the night ended at Castillo ... and why not?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Great Wall of Los Angeles

Amy visited this weekend, and we ventured out to the great wall of los angeles. It's over a half mile long and runs along the west side of an aqueduct running next to Valley College and Grant High School. It was pretty impressive (I think it's the world's largest graffiti collection) but as it's on the west side, next time we'll come by in the morning so it gets some light!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Grabbing dinner at Hukilau Hawaiian restaurant in SF, Mark and I were lucky enough to run into the world-famous sumo wrestler... Musashimaru! He was promoting a fight in Vegas and is incredibly huge! I think he ate 5 dinners or something before we got there.. honestly!.. Anyhow, I have never felt so small next to anyone, but asked him if he'd take us both on in an arm-wrestling match... His response was "do you want to keep your arm?" ... to which I replied... "uhhh.. BOTH of us want to challenge you!"... His response was "does HE want to keep his arm?" (pointing to mark)... everyone laughed for a moment, but it I think we were all wondering if he was serious, and if he'd broken any arms before. We hit up a hip-hop club in Haight-Ashbury later that night called "Milk" with a lot of Mark's friends and had a fun time dancing.. We made it back late sunday to LA to get back to school, and homework, and all that boring stuff..

Bigpop fans rejoice! Berkeley's Electrical Engineering building is actually called soda hall... Of course they REALLY are designing the fountain pop of the future here.. err soda as they say around these parts. Anyhow, Mark showed me around Cal's campus, and it's definitely different from any campus I've ever seen.

Mark and I spent most of Saturday in Berkeley, checking out the town, getting some good food. (spicy mustard at Top Dog!) And, we checked out the exhibition football game at Berkeley, where the starters play the bench players... it was neat to get so close to the game and watch some football for a while. (err.. eat peanuts!) got some great photos here... here's one at the 50 yard line...

Here's a pic from my first Giants game at Pacific Bell Park (SBC now), and actually, my first visit to San Francisco. I came up with Mark and Jeff to visit the town a couple fridays ago and ended up finding a sublet for the summer in the city pretty easily. (Parking will be more difficult to find) I'm excited to be up there this summer and working in the bay, and feel like I got a little bit closer to understanding the neighborhoods in the city. I'll be living in North Beach, near the border of Chinatown, and it's going to be nuts to be so close to all the hustle and bustle of the city... adventures ahead!