Saturday, January 22, 2005

A peaceful dawn at Venice Beach, and after a busy week with friends visiting from back home, I'm finally getting into the trenches for school. The last week and a half has been filled with more TV activities than I thought possible, and we don't even own a TV here. Last night Tim, his girlfriend Alicia, and I went to the tonight show with jay leno. We showed up just in time for the show, and lucky for us they had 3 spaces for us in the front row next to Kevin Eubanks! (Tim's head was on the camera for most of the show) =) The show was pretty funny, and Steve Irwin brought all kinds of animals from Australia that ran around the stage just a few feet from us! (A giant snake made me pretty nervous, as a woman was holding it off camera just a foot or so away from us) I swear she didn't know how much of the snake was behind her shoulder staring at us! anyhow, now it's time for studying... and next week will bring some more friends too. (And my girlfriend!) This place is a circus lately!


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