Sunday, April 20, 2008

Brunch at Dosa

Amit and I are getting better at tennis, and inching towards recovering our "game".

At least that's our story for now... We did stop to get some brunch afterwards, and hit up Dosa for some indian brunch. Here's a pic of Amit looking over our Dahi Vada. We had some idly sambar and a dosa as well. The food here is great, but we noticed something particularly weird on the bill. a 4% charge for "SF Healthcare"... Apparently, there was a bill passed to require restaurants to provide healthcare for their employees. Why that translates to 4% here is a mystery that I'm looking into.

Getting ready for Yosemite

Yesterday was a great day for a hike. Windy as hell, but a few of us got together for a prep hike up Mt. Tamalpais up in Marin. It's only about an hour north of SF and started off near Stinson Beach. The hike was filled with a lot of variety, and spanned over large hills (ala little house on the prairie) and in dense forest areas. The wind was crazy, but didn't stop us. The highlight of the hike is a 10 ft. ladder you have to climb to pass down from a ledge. Here's dapri doing something indecent to a tree.

Visiting home!

I came home this past weekend for Doug Biehl's wedding.

It was a great chance to meetup with my old friends in MI, most of which appear to be moving to Chicago, or at least considering it at this point because of the MI economy and the lure of moving to a cool city. The best part of the trip was getting to see my niece, Olivia. She's grown up quite a bit since I saw her last over christmas. Here she is making a funny face while holding her "blue dino". :)

Brunch at Lime and hiking in the city

My SF group of friends has been hanging together for over 6 months now, and it took us a while, but we finally broke the brunch seal. We hit up Lime in the castro for bottomless mimosas. A steal at $6, I feel like we all got our money's worth. I was a little stumbly after a couple hours there, but I'm blaming that on the dayquil too. :) anyways, we decided to walk it off and go for a hike at Buena Vista Park in SF. It gives some great views of the city and is only about 8-9 blocks from my apartment.

The Post-Brunch Hike:
The View of SF:
The girls (Lidia, Lisa and Crystal) with crazy hair. Rowan's buzz cut is tornado proof.

free stuff!

It's been a while since I've been junkin', but today reminded me of the big scores of yesteryear.

Werckle and Jablonski's big finds like Free TVs and "The Rack" exercise equipment.

Today I found a curb goldmine of espresso cups, tupperware, dishes, bowls, and martini glasses. Life continued to rule as a friend of mine who was moving away gave me 3 bottles of booze and a toaster oven. She will be remembered everytime I cook some fish filets in the toaster oven.

New five!

man... the US mint has gone crazy... or they've been playing monopoly.

Check out the new five.

Pete Papageorge!

In true St. Patty's day fashion, we visited Kelly's the Irish Times, and were lucky enough to catch a 10 hour marathon performance by Pete Papageorge, said our faces were familiar. He must still remember the day Dicktrigger came and visited DC in the van. It was great seeing him still kicking out the jams and pleasing the fans. Kelly's was no doubt ready for war on this day, with enough beer cups to support a drunken irish army.

DC for st. patty's

As luck would have it, work sent me out to DC for a meeting with the FDA that put me dangerously close to the hutch and st. patty's day. I took monday off (St. Patty's) and managed to talk the trip up enough to get Hytinen and Gina to come out. We had a blast, and here's Mat with his "party cape" on.