Saturday, December 15, 2007

Niners game

Here's rory, Scott, nikki, and rowan watching the game. It was t a
great game at all actually, with the niners losing 27-7, and trent
dilfer grabbed a concussion and had to leave the game. He's already
their backup quarterback, so things went from bad to worse after
that. Anyhow, it was still a fun time, and stated sunny the whole time.

Niners game!

This past Sunday was the biggest organized event I can remember ever
organizing... A total of 30+ people made it out to the niners versus
Vikings game. We got to the parking lot about 3 hours early to
tailgate, and it got a bit crazy for a Sunday morning. Kyle brought
his group of 20 from the San jose area and I recruited ten from San
francisco, and it was cool to see the two social groups get together.
Keg stands helped, though I didn't partake and still got a hangover at
7pm that night. Ugh.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thanksgiving in la

It was a sunny thanksgiving this time, and I had a great time visiting
mike and jessica down in la. I brought a frozen bird down with me
from San francisco, so I guess our turkey was pretty well travelled
before we ate him. (they handed out free turkeys at work so I could t
pass up 14 lbs of free birdly goodness. Jessica did a great job
cooking, and we all did a great job eating. :)

The trip down was pretty packed with adventure, and jessica got us
into the Avalon and the wiltern to see travis and band of horses,
where celebrities including fran dresher and Mandy Moore showed up in
the audience. (I actually got to see mandy moore up close!)

The concerts were great, and we finished off my visit with a trip to
roscoes chicken and waffle. Decent chicken, and wonderful waffles
were the verdict, though I do t think I ever need to go again...
Anyway, off the list, and great times!