Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Anchor brewery

Just a mile or so from my apartment and on the way to the train
station, is the anchor brewery. This small brewery is home of anchor
steam beer, and seven other beers on display, including a barley wine
that was a pretty potent 10pct. The tour started at 2pm, and by 3:30
we were tasting each of the beers, all of which were tasty.
Conveniently, we found a nice taco place just a few blocks away and
enjoyed 3 tacos for five bucks. Yum!

Here's Lindsay the brew master explaining how the beer is made before
the tour. She was holding a beer in front of us for a very thirsty
half hour before the tour. The beer at the end definitely hit the spot.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Visitors for brunch!

Santosh, ashvin, and manoj visited this Sunday and I got to show them
around my hood. Here's the crew at slow club, a nice brunch spot in
potrero hill. The food was tasty and the place was pretty packed.
Amit and ashmee stopped by, and jessica showed up later on. We
eventually went shopping, got some gelato in the Castro, and got tapas
before everyone headed home. A full Sunday of fun, and it was great
finally showing my friends from work where I live.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Lidia leading the way.

Back into the forest, we headed on our way back to civilization. Our
total hike was over 12 miles, definitely deserving of a feast of naan
and curry. What a day!

Don't look down!

Looking back at arch rock from the beach

Scott is a climber

Dapri... In flight!

Scott on the rocks

Hiking down to the beach

Arch rock

Arch rock is at the end of the trail, and overlooks the beach with
some great views.


Scott, with walking stick.

Hiking at pt reyes in marin.

After surviving the taco crawl, I joined up with Scott, dapri, and
lidia for long hike north of San francisco at pt. Reyes. Our goal was
to hike west through four miles of forest, and end up at the pacific

Inside the taqueria

Here's Meredith, colin, jeff, laura, and nicole at el farolito. In
the end 11 of us showed for the crawl, consuming almost forty tacos in
all. We stopped by birite creamery for some ice cream afterward too,
to top off the night. I took a chance and got Sam's special there,
which is a sundae including ice cream, olive oil, sea salt, a d
whipped cream. It was on the menu, so I figure someone had to be
ordering it... I joined those somebodies and was surprisingly satisfied.

The dogs, part deux

These dogs were tiny and very energetic, setting the tone for what can
only be described as taco excitement., we had arrived, and the tacos
at el farolito were evenrually voted the best on the taco crawl. The
el pastor tacos may actually be better at castillito by my house
though everything here was solid.

Prelude to a taco crawl

Saturday was my first taco crawl experience in my neighborhood, san
francisco's own mission district. The plan... To hit at least 4
taquerias and to consume at least four taco and beers as needed for
lubrication. Outside our first stop, el farolito on mission street,
we saw these two dogs that were leashed with an extension cord!