Sunday, April 23, 2006

It appears my apartment has had its share of tenants... In the last 2 weeks, I've received mail for at least six different people at my address! (All this while I was waiting for my security deposit, which finally arrived) Here are each of their letters, which I've given to the apartment manager to pass on, including one letter from the IRS!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Kevin Tiell, A friend I've only met a couple times now through Danielle, had a photography showing at gallery in SF this past thursday. I took the train up and met Danielle to support him. His current theme is close-up photography of various pinball machines, and he gets some amazing shots full of color and reflections. Check out his website at: , unfortunately, his best photos aren't on there yet, but you'll get a taste. It was a fun time and Danielle and I met a guy named "New Joe" at a nearby bar who fed us and was really friendly. He will be called for future hangouts. We also met a guy named Rockin' Rick who works at a music store and plays standup bass in a psychobilly band that opened for motorhead in London... It was a fun night, and I slept all the way home on the night train.

Want some and easy pasta with easy cleanup? well... Pasta Express may be exactly what you're looking for! I boiled up some water in my tea kettle, put some dry mostaccoli in the cyclinder and poured the boiling water in. You cap it up for 8 minutes, and then pour the water out the strainer half of the cap. (the cap is 2 pieces, and the 2nd piece makes it solid) The pasta came out a little chewy, but good. I think if I let the water boil even more intensely and pour it out earlier it may cook even better. The cylinder is about one cubit tall (a cubit is the measure from your elbow to your thumb, according to ancient egyptian pharaohs) and it comes with an insulated sleeve so you can pour without burning yourself.

For the past month or so I've been sleeping on an aerobed raised premier air mattress. Here's a pic without my sheets or blanket, and it is most excellent. It's quite expensive, but I had great coupons and wanted to stay portable, as I'm planning on moving back to San Fran in August when my lease terminates. Anyhow, it will make an excellent guest bed someday. At the head of the bed there's a remote control that lets you stiffen or soften the bed, which takes 2-3 minutes to inflate from zero. It comes with a duffle bag for transport too! (shameless plug) Anyhow, after a month with no back pain, I can throw away my receipt!

Hoshi came back into town for his spring break and got to spend some time hanging out. We hit up "La Fondue" in saratoga for some excellent chocolate fondue and then headed towards the bowling alley to roll some killer frames. Here's him and Annie, and Sophia is taking the picture. It was great to see him before he headed back to Evanston. (Northwestern) He may be coming back to run Bay to Breakers, which I may start training for now as well... we'll see!