Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Driving through San Fran, I checked out a lot of neighborhoods, including the Marina / Northbeach districts. The city seems really cool, almost like a mix between San Diego and Seattle to me. I'm looking forward to finding a place to live this summer and getting to know a new city. I bombed around town for a couple days and drove back to LA just in time to pack and get ready to come home to MI. What a busy spring break! Classes start again on monday. oh boy! =)

Busted a fuse before the big roadtrip to San Francisco. Not a big deal, but my cigarette lighter hasn't been working. I checked the tire pressure and hit the road early on monday morning... what fun! I'm excited to see a new city, and right afterwards, to fly home and see my girlfriend and buddies back in MI. (and family!)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Erick has officially crashed on the couch for the night... But we've made a lot of progress today. Erick and I finally finished coding our last Finite Element coding project and have been working on our other projects ever since. (He's slept at my place the last 2 nights) I think we're all looking forward to kicking back on friday night after all this is over, but we'll be hitting it hard for the next 3 days. I'm thinking of calling our study team the Winter "ACES" ... for Andrew, Chad, Erick, Sandra... I think it flies.. eh???

Here's my pal Sandra. After 12 hours of playing Tournament Volleyball on UCLA's club team on Sunday, and hours of working on finite element coding for our class, she has officially gone slumber-house on the corner of my bed. Andrew and I kept the fires burning, but gave up sometime in the late morning... Once this week is over, we're going to have to party like rock stars!! I can't wait!

With our Structural Dynamics final exam on friday, Andrew and I went through all the theory and problems for the past few days, and felt pretty prepared for the final. The exam went well, but we'll see how our grades come out to really say. Personally, I think they should outlaw 8am exams, though things aren't nearly as bad as last term with an exam block from 8am-2:30pm and an extra question from 3-4.. ha!

The Best Damn Ribs EVER. Here's a delayed post of some ribs Mike and I made in the oven last month. This is perhaps our best display of cooking effort ever, with some great results. These ribs were great, though they took about 3 hours to cook in the oven. I just found the picture so I just had to post it. MMMmm.. I'll be hungry soon enough...

Sunday, March 06, 2005

After working about 30+ frustrating hours on a C++ program over the last few days, it was nice to take a break and do the "Emerald Nuts" 5k run. Mike and I got to see a little bit of the LA marathon, and we even had chips on our shoes to record our times. (even for a 5k!) It was pretty fun, I got to see some of the areas near where Mike goes to school. I fear an all-nighter tongiht to finish this C++ business, but hey... the quarter is done in 2 weeks, then it's time for SPRING BREAK! yay!