Sunday, February 06, 2005

Yesterday I hit the slopes of Mountain High with some buddys from school, Andrew, Amit, and Eric. This is only my second time skiing and my first time was two years ago at the wonderful Mount Holly in MI. (a snow-covered Landfill) The slopes in california seem much longer and a bit more challenging than those I remember in michigan. I spent the first hour or so re-learning where to put my weight, then hit "Easy Street" on the west side of the slope. With some tips from Andrew and Eric, I was doing the Cruiser, Sunnyside, and all the western green routes. Eric and I next decided to hit "Conquest", our first blue route, while andrew went to the black diamonds. (maniac... but he's a great skiier) I fell about 5 times on conquest and ended up sliding down most of it on my butt and avoiding the snowboarders. I might have made someone's snowboarding video on one of my high-speed wipeouts. (excessive profanity, but I lost both skis and poles on that one) Luckily, no one was hurt, but we saw plenty of stretchers, and almost no skiiers on the blue routes. Afterwards we hit a bar called "Yoddelers" in Wrightwood and relaxed with a beer and some pizza bread. We had a really fun time, though I am too sore to ski anytime soon again!