Thursday, September 30, 2004

After one day of wandering around campus, I'm enjoying just sitting back. Luckily, a neighbor just moved out and gave us (me) a bookshelf, desk chair, 17" monitor, and a bed frame! not bad for free! I can finally toss my crusty 15" monitor. I found a calculus book on a garbage can someone was threw out. luck.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

We stopped in Colorado after going crazy late at night. We had been on the road for 19 hours or something. Our rides are still looking sharp.

A last breakfast in michigan with friends at the breakfast club in madison heights, MI. It is highly recommended.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Here is where my california adventure log resides.

This log is meant as a log for all my friends and family, as well as my own records. enjoy!